Monday, January 26, 2009

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

For this blog I am going to be covering one game, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. This game, like Halo1 and 2, has an offline cooperative campaign mode. When I say it has an offline cooperative campaign mode, I mean that you can play through the actual game that you would normally play in single player mode, but instead with two people on the same xbox without needing xbox live. This game was actually pretty enjoyable. Its a game that is set in Europe during the World War II era. It revolves around the nazi campaign to discover the supernatural. The nazis apparently end up uncovering zombies and its your job to stop them. The gameplay is a lot like the original Call of Duty games except you'll mostly be fighting against zombies and spending most of your time exploring tombs and catacombs. There are a few different types of zombies you'll come across, some more annoying than others. The game isnt terrible difficult since who have an unlimited amount of lives. Each level has several checkpoints within them and everytime you or your partner dies you get placed at the last checkpoint you reached. The checkpoints are pretty well seperated so that you won't have to repeat very much. The only thing that is super annoying about the cooperative mode of this game is that you can't play with a partner until after you've completed the game in single player mode because you have to unlock each level and its checkpoints. This isn't necessarily a difficult task. I simply played through the game with a god mode cheat and it took me a couple of hours to complete but I was able to study each level and have an easier time completing them in cooperative mode. So if I had to rate this game I would give it an 8.5 out of 10 simply for the inconvience that is posed by being forced to play through the single player mode before enjoying the cooperative, but it is worth it to do this.

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