Saturday, December 6, 2008

The List

Here are some of the cooperative games I will hopefully be playing and reviewing. I don't own all of them yet but I'm working on it and the next blog I'll review the first two games in the list Halo 1 and 2.

Halo 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Time Splitters Future Perfect
Medal of Honor Rising Sun
Hunter the Reckoning Redeemer
Psi Ops
Time Splitters 2
Batman Rise of Sin Tzu
Xmen Legends 1
Xmen Legends 2
Brute Force
First to Fight
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Hunter the Reckoning
Men of Valor
Fantastic Four
Brother in Arms Earned in Blood
Blinx 2
Doom 3
Stubbs the Zombie
Justice League Heroes
Lego Star Wars
Lego Star Wars 2
Destroy All Humans 2

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Let me explain in more detail exactly what my motive for creating this blogspot is. I was once just a normal Xbox owner who played games for their single player campaign. I enjoy playing games for their cinematics and the satisfaction of completing the game. The only multiplayer game I ever really played on Xbox was Halo 2. This was the first game I bought when I acquired my Xbox. I had never played through the single player campaign because I was waiting to get the first one. One day I finally bought Halo Combat Evolved. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to play through the game with me. She always hates being forced to watch me play Xbox with my friends and without her, so this was a way that she could join in. Naturally she wasn't very good at first, but she was willing to work at getting better and I was willing to be patient with her for the sake of doing something we can both enjoy. So after we both battled throught the cooperative mode of both Halo 1 and 2 we were searching for more games that could provide us with a similar experience. Like everyone else I decided to google the words "Xbox Cooperative Games". I was slightly disappointed in the results. There were several forums where people had stated that they were in almost the same situation as I was. I felt the responses they received on the forums weren't sufficient. So I did a great amount of research on many gaming web sites such as My next blog will include a list of Xbox cooperative games for the Xbox that I will hopefully get around to playing if I haven't already. Each consecutive blog after the next one will cover a couple games at a time as I reveiw them and give people advice on whether or not they're worth the time. My hopes in creating these blogs are that people will have a place to go to if they get into the predicament I was in.